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12 Questions You Should Ask Before You Buy - Protect Your Real Estate Investment

Before you buy, get answers to these questions to better protect your real estate investment. For additional assistance, give us a call to talk to one of our Professional Land Surveyors!

1. Is the land zoned to be compatible with your building plans at the use, lot size, setbacks, etc? How are adjoining properties zoned and being used?

2. Is any part of the land located in an area that has been classified as a flood plain, wetlands, or having hydric soils or a seasonally high water table?

3. Will you require a subdivision and/or land development approval?

4. Is there an existing public or private road serving the property?

5. Will the project include work within the right-of-way if a state highway, requiring a special permit?

6. Is the source of water supply public, where is the water main located, will you be permitted to connect, and how much will it cost?

-If the source of water supply is an individual well, what are the depths, water quantity and water quality of neighboring wells, or what is the general hydrogeology of the property?

7. If the method of sewage disposal is a public sewer. Where is the sewer located, will you be permitted to connect, will a pump be needed, and how much will it cost to connect?

- If the method of sewage disposal is an on-lot sewage disposal system, has the property been tested for suitability by a local Sewage Enforcement Officer?

8. Is electrical power, telephone, television and gas service available?

9. Is adequate fire protection available?

10. Have you had a title search of the property performed? Are there any deed restrictions or covenants affecting the use of the property? Do you need title insurance? Do you need mine subsidence insurance?

11. Do you require an appraisal of the property?

12. Has the property been surveyed recently? Did a Professional Land Surveyor show you the boundary lines and corners? Do you have a survey plat of your property?

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