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Paxton Place: A Brief Update


The following is an update on the Paxton Place project, as published in the Paxton Ministries 'Voices of Hope' Spring 2018 Newsletter:

PAXTON PLACE: A Brief Update

Jodie Smiley

Our application to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) for funding for our proposed new initiative, Paxton Place, was submitted in October. We expect to hear in April whether or not our application was successful. If successful, we will receive the funding that we need to break ground on our adjacent land later this year.

Paxton Place: Caring Connections for Senior Living will be a 37-unit affordable housing development for low-income seniors in our community. Residents of Paxton Place will benefit from a variety of services through partnerships with the Central PA Food Bank, Messiah Lifeways, Messiah College, PinnacleHealth, and others. Paxton Place will be a separate entity that will build on the values upon which Paxton Ministries was founded.

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